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May 2018 IAA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Writer's picture: Indiana AngusIndiana Angus

The IAA Board of Directors met this past Sunday for their quarterly business meeting. A full recap of discussions and topics is available below.

Indiana Angus Association

IBCA Headquarters

May 6, 2108


Those in attendance:

Officers- Cody Sankey President, Rob Knott 1st VP, Steve Shoup 2nd VP,Les Carmichael Treasurer( Director), Julie Innis Secretary. Directors-Ralph Meyer, Steve Patton, Melanie Ritz, Bruce Lamb, Randy Bush, Kevin Swaim( Director & Advisor to President),Rex Kovert, Phil Howell, Sandy Carmichael ( Director & Aux. Rep) Aux. Rep. Lindsay Sankey Other- Loren and Kathy Wilson, Krista Stillwell

Welcome-Cody Sankey called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm. All those in attendance introduced themselves and which region they were from or what organization they were representing. Cody then reviewed committee chairs and members on each committee.

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis passed out the report from the Feb. meeting. Steve Shoup made motion to accept the minutes from the Feb. annual meeting – Dr. Bruce Lamb 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- Les Carmichael passed out the report and he explained the different columns.-see attached-Steve Shoup made a motion to accept the report.- Dr. Bruce Lamb 2nd subject the motion subject to audit. The motion was voted on and passed.

Les explained he had received correspondence from the Putnam Co. Museum is asking for other contributions from us. They were asking for a 3000.00 commitment over 3 years. Cody suggested Kevin Swaim Chairman of the History Committee, research this further. Les also announced he had received a solicitation for the NJAA golf outing asking for 250.00 is for hole sponsor. We have done this in the past. Rob Knott made a motion to sponsor a hole. Steve Shoup 2nd the motion and the motion passed unanimously. Les announced taxes have been filed for last year.

Budget & Finance Report- Kevin Swaim announced we were approximately 1000.00 ahead from what was budgeted as of now.

Activities /Show Report- Rob Knott presented a preview report. He explained he had met with convention committee and received a 1200.00 grant for preview. The West Central Association will be sponsoring the fellowship meal at the show. Rob announced the award and dinner sponsors at Preview have been going down in amounts donated each year. He also announced Sullivan’s Supply will make awards contributions toward champions/reserve champions in products. Rob also announced we need to ask exhibitors sign up at registration to document hotel rooms booked in the Lebanon area. This information will be needed for future grants.

Kevin Swaim gave a State Fair report. We are in charge of blood testing of our steers at the state fair. We do not get to choose our open show judge this year. State Fair is going pick 2 judges for all the open beef cattle. There will be a judge in Ring 1 and Ring 2. Their plan is to have judges back for a 2nd year. Ring 1 judge Ryan Rash- Ring 2- judge Zack Butler. We will still continue our process of voting and will have a voice but not necessarily the final say. The announcing was an issue last year with announcements not getting back to the barn. We will provide a person to call our own classes in, if we can’t come up with someone State Fair might try and provide a 2nd announcer. Cattle will be stalled on one side of the aisle and the other side will be left open for grooming. Over flow will be in the old annex. Check in will be a new process this year. Supreme Champion bull and female will receive a 1000.00 premium. Supreme drive will be Wed. afternoon will be after the open show. Open show check in will be 9:00 on Tues. Show starts on 9:00 Wed. We will advertise the no black paint rule and will the state fair says they will help enforce. We will hand out a copy of the rule at check in for 4-H and open. Kevin will look into getting money from national assoc, for open show at state fair 2017.

Membership Report- Julie Innis -270 farms represented thus far.

Auxiliary Report- Lindsey Sankey- announced new officers Pres. Cassie Royer, VP Marlene Dukehart, Sec. Kathy Wilson. Treasurer Cortney Cates- Rep. to the board Lindsey Sankey and Sandy Carmichael. Sandy Carmichael explained their fundraiser this year at preview will be a framed cow hide of the Tradition. It will be auctioned off. They also want to take a collapsible wagon for the kids. The auction will be before the grand drive of open show.

IJAA-Report- no report

History Report-Kevin Swaim shared Mary Watkins has volunteered her time to categorize Jack’s items. Ken Torr and Kevin Swaim will meet with her this month and will delete items not necessary to be in the collection. It was suggested to purchase some additional book shelves or rack and plastic storage boxes. Kevin shared Mary’s rround trip is approx. 5 ½ hr. Kevin moved we approve 500.00 for items needed and to help pay for her hotel or expenses. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Howell. Kevin also shared there are 3 goals were presented for this committee. 1. Jack Sweeney collection becomes the foundation of the collection. 2. Organize the collection in a fashion it is easily accessed. 3. To organize the collection for future expansion for other Indiana Angus assoc. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Long Range Planning- Ralph Meyer hared he has spoken to Ryan Batt.-The state of Kentucky did something similar as what our committee would like to do with a sale. The problem for KY was to verify there is Angus Genetics used. Cody suggested that we coordinate with the new Angus feeder calf program. Ralph stated their plan is to have one sale in the south and one in the north- possibly starting next spring.

Communications Report- Phil Howell

  1. Krista Stillwell shared she processed 27 memberships through website.-The aux. has approached her and have asked to bring the idea of them to processing their memberships through the website. Rob Knott moved we accept the membership aux to use on line format Ralph Meyer 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed. Krista reviewed dues costs. Adult 30.00 Aux. 20.00 Jr. 10.00 all will now be available to be paid on line. Krista explained there were issues with Angus News format and how it was shown on line. There was an additional charge of 10.00 per month to resolve this problem. She asked for vote to or motion. Ralph Meyer moved we approve the additional cost of 10.00 for formatting. Steve shoup 2nd the upgrade to website. The motion as voted on passed. Krista then proposed to send an Eblast at the beginning of the month then another in the middle of the month. Dr. Howell moved we allow Krista to make or use her judgment of when to sending out Eblasts. 2nd by Dr. Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. – Julie Innis suggested we review how many directories and news we are printing. Cody suggested Steve Shoup look into how many printed copies we have vs. members. Krista will put the new directory on line. Dr. Howell will help Steve look at lists vs. members.

Annual Meeting Report- Cody Sankey announced Andrew Stewart is chair of this committee. IBCA continues to ask for us to be a part of their banquet and activates in Jan. They would like us to make a decision. IBCA will be at the Sheraton Keystone and the Crossing on the last Sat. in Jan. Dr. Lamb explained the IBCA would like to have us to participate. Discussions of options for annual meeting took place. Cody presented the question to stay by selves or join with IBCA. Directors felt we should plan to stay with our own banquet on Valentine’s weekend in West Lafayette and explore meeting rooms somewhere or ask the Outpost to put up dividers for us.

Old Business- Cody reminded everyone our ribeye tent sign up time. – Dr. Howell asked about the parentage issue of calves going through sales and not being checked for parentage. The only state sponsored sale is Hoosier Beef Cong. Parentage is tested for this only since district or regional sales are not state sponsor sales.

New Business-Loren Wilson shared that approx.. 2 months ago he got a call from Allen Miller, Illinois. Illinois is a Co -host state with Wisconsin this year for the NJAA show. Several states that have collected money for hosting jr. national and have left over money. The foundation wants us to pool the money collected and left over into a fund with the foundation. The interest left over from this fund will be given to host states. Currently the National Assoc. picks up the basic expenses. The foundation hopes are for each state to be given monies off this fund for additional show costs. The amount of monies states would need to raise to produce a show would lower considerably. Thus the states won’t have to solicit as much. These monies to start the fund would be left over monies from several states. NJAA os wanting to cut back on extras like meals or hospitality. An email from the foundation was printed as well as a memorandum from 2011 for a donation to the foundation from our association and passed out. see handout -50,000.00 contributed in 2011 to the Foundation is now 86,700.89. 21,478.38 is left from our 2014 show. The Foundation needs to know by June 1st if we will be contributing to this new fund. They will have a special presentation at closing ceremonies in Wisconsin. Cody stated the foundation wants to know if we would move our 86,700.89 to a different account within the foundation to help fund future National Jr. Angus shows. Dr. Howell proposed we donate 50,000.00 then retain the rest for us. Dr. Lamb made a motion to donate 50,000.00 to this NJAS Endowment Fund. Dr Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed. Cody asked if Loren could find out if the other 36,000 belongs to us to give or if this was retained by the foundation. Les Carmichael made a motion that if we can give the entire amount of interest to the foundation endowment we donate it. Steve Patton 2nd the motion. Motion was voted on. The motion passed.

Announcement/Next Meeting Date- State Fair BOAH office– Sat. Aug. 4th at noon or Sunday afternoon is 2nd choice before the Supreme drive. - Aug. 4th Ribeye tent work shift 5:30pm

Adjourn- Kevin Swaim moved we adjourn. 2nd by Steve Shoup time 4:48pm

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