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IAA Board Meeting Minutes: May 5, 2019

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Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

IBCA Headquarters

May 5, 2019

Welcome- Rob Knott welcomed at 2:06- thanked everyone for coming. – Present- Rob Knott- Kevin Newman- Kevin Swaim- - Brandon Waterman- Les Carmichael- Sandy Carmichael- Rex Kovert- Melanie Ritz-Ralph Meyer-Chad Haag-Scott Ashwill-Cortney Cates-Aux. Rebecca Knott- Kallie Knott –other Skye Wimmer- Eric Wimmer-Paul Hart - Krista Stillwell

Secretary’s Report/minutes- Julie Innis presented secretary’s report with corrections to the long range planning portion – feeder calf sale vs bull sale and 1st Tues of may vs 2nd Tues of May. – Dr. Howell made a motion to accept the corrected minutes. Ralph Meyer 2nd the motion. Voted was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Les Carmichael presented the treasurer’s report-see attached- There was some discussion regarding accounts receivable. There are outstanding bills from 2018 that have not been paid. Kevin Swaim volunteered to call those still owing money to assoc. Melanie Ritz moved to accept the treasurer’s report. Kevin Swaim 2nd –The motion was voted on and passes unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- Kevin Swaim reported the audit from H and R Block is complete. We are waiting on report to be sent to us from H & R Block.

Activities & Show Report- Rob Knott reported our preview show is set for Father’s Day weekend. June 15th is the open show. Jr. Showmanship will be held before the open show. Sunday will be Jr. show only. Jr. have silent auction planned. Meal on the afternoon sat. West Central will take care of organizing the meal. Northern Sale, Southern Sale, in April. Jr Nationals in Louisville. Cortney announced we have jr. judge. Amy Stertzbach- open show judge Jerrod Boyer- Cortney volunteered to send open show judge a contract. Kevin Swaim announced he thinks our open show judge for state fair will be Dean Jansen.

Membership Report-Julie Innis reported thus far, we have 213 farms paid- 226 memberships- 29 have paid on line- 3 have carried over from the fall.

Aux. Report- Rebecca Knott reported the auxiliary met April 22. A proposed slate of officers was presented. The Aux. is looking to revise the pgs in the directory. The Aux. voted previously to take away lifetime memberships. But, they grandfathered in those who were already lifetime members. They are in the process of reviewing their lifetime membership page. They didn’t have scholarship applications so it was voted on to give this amount of money to the juniors for their drape and pipe fundraiser. During their meeting they auctioned off a cow planter. The Aux. will have the same type of planters to auction off at preview. Father’s Day boots will be included in an online auction first part of June. They will have the wagon with kids items will be auctioned off at preview all monies go to scholarships and awards. It was suggested we provide forms to jr. at preview to fill out cert. of achievement at preview. The Vera Sherbaun award was given to Craig Langley.

IJAA Report-Skye Wimmer- IJA President explained the juniors are raising money for pipe and drape system. Rob thanked Skye for going to regional meetings asking for donations. Brandon Waterman reported the preview show needs new backdrop. He has priced a new backdrop from the same company providing the pipe and drape. Once new drape and pipe is purchased the intent is to sell some of the current equipment and curtains. Brandon explained he is dealing with the manufacturer not a middle man. This is a high quality product that is to last for several years. Krista suggested we advertise and give people a deadline and amount still needed to donate. Les Carmichael explained there are monies in the trust interest fund and where those funds came from originally. Kevin Newman suggested we allow Krista to advertise and set a deadline for taking donations, then our assoc. pay the final amount not donated. Krista suggested May 15th as the deadline. Kevin Newman made a motion we extend the deadline for donations to the Jr. for pipe and drape to May 15th then the existing balance not covered by donations be paid by the association plus 500.00 to the Jr. Assoc. The motions was 2nd by Les Carmichael. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

History Report-Kevin Swaim reported at our next year’s annual meeting, we will have a large historic presentation possibly as many as 15 farms. He will send letters to farms who are potential awards winners to submit a farm history. Regarding the state historic collection, Ken Torr, Mary Watkins,and Kevin Swaim met at the museum and started the process of sorting through the boxes of items at Putnum Co. museum. The museum is 2 years away from a booth or area for permanent display.

Long Range Planning Report-Ralph Meyer reported there was supposed to be a sale this coming Tues. at Little York. It has had very little interest. He stated he is trying to educate the participants what they have to do to qualify for the Angus Link program. He has had lots of interest and inquiries in the fall sale. He needs help educating others about the Angus Link program and what requirements are and what they can get out of this program. He would like to see information in the news. Kevin suggested we create a one pg. flyer to hand to bull buyers. Ralph would like to see one representative from each district on his committee to help spread the word.

Communications report- Dr. Howell chairperson

Krista Stillwell reported she was sharing recaps of what has been done this Spring. The fundraiser for aux. has recently closed. We have over 1000 followers on Facebook. She shared emails are still a good way of communicating. We are sending 2 emails per month. We saw a spike in on line payments especially close to May 1st. Molly shared the proof for the final directory will be after May 17th . The final product will be delivered on the Friday of preview show. Kevin Newman reported Molly will do the proof on the directory on May 20th and she still has room on the front cover for farm logos. There are 21 ads in for the directory so far, Kevin is going to help call those past advertisers to see if they want to advertise again. Dr. Howell announced we have printed to Post Printing. There was a problem with resolution of a few of the ads due to high vs low resolution. The committee is working on resolving this issue with farms who had ads affected.

Annual meeting report- Rob Knott announced we had meeting in February in the morning. Angus Link Program presented after our meeting. There were approx. 76 people in attendance for the dinner.

Old Business-Brandon Waterman asked directors for their preference of color for backdrop curtain for Preview.

New Business- Rob Knott presented information sent to us to sponsor a hole at the golf tournament at NJAA this year. Price of sponsorship is 250.00. Kevin Swaim moved we sponsor a hole again this year. – Dr. Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on passed and passed unanimously.

Announcements- Rob Knott announced our next meeting will be held at the Indiana State Fair- Aug. 3rd 2:00pm in the BOAH meeting room.

Adjournment-Dr. Howell moved we adjourn the meeting. Ralph Meyer 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

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