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Board of Director's Meeting Minutes: June 17, 2023


Director’s Meeting

Indiana State Preview Show

Lebanon, IN

June 17,2023

Call to order at 12:09pm by President Steve Patton

Those in attendance: President Steve Patton, Pres. Elect Clint Coverdale, VP Joe Horstman, Treasurer Melanie Ritz, Secretary Julie Innis, Directors- Rex Kovert, Jim Lindley, Hunter Carrico, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Dr. Phil Howell, Jerry Ott, Kevin Newman, Loran Wilson, Les Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael, Other- Past President, Jeff Sherfield, Casey Jentz, Krista Stillwell, Bob Dragani

Julie Innis passed out the Secretary’s Report. A motion to pass an amended report including Jeff Sherfield in attendance at our March meeting was made by Melanie Ritz 2nd By Dr. Bruce Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s report was presented by Melanie Ritz see attached. A motion to accept the report as presented was made by Les Carmichael and 2nd by Rex Kovert. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- no report presented.

Activities Report- Clint Coverdale announced we had 80 head of cattle walk into the ring today. Entries from past years were down. We are seeing a trend where exhibitors are bringing fewer head a piece. We have several 1st years exhibitors this year. There are eighteen 1st year exhibitors.

Membership- Kevin Newman announced Diana Hazlett wishes to step down as chairman. He has spoken to Liz Jensen, and she is interested in replacing her as chairman. To date we have 184 paid memberships.

History Report – Kevin Swaim reminded us the Putnam County Museum is still raising funds for developing the new portion of the building. He reminded directors we pay 300.00 rent to store our items there yearly. There was a discussion regarding a donation to the museum. We decided to look closer at this once the budget is proposed for next year.

Long range planning- no report presented.

Communications Report- Dr. Phil Howell announced directories have been mailed out. Even though we are down on membership, the directory is only down 4 pgs. from last year. He thanked Krista for publishing a very nice directory.

Annual Meeting- no report presented.

Auxiliary Report Rep. Sandy Carmichael recapped the annual meeting at the Putnam County Museum. She shared how the museum pulled a few pieces of memorabilia for the ladies to enjoy. There was discussion regarding a donation to the museum. It was decided we would look closer at this once the budget is proposed for next year.

By laws- no report presented

Junio Report- Hunter Carrico announced there are 90 head entered for the upcoming Junior Nationals in Grand Island Nebraska. They have successfully collected monies for a meal plan to have catered meals for families attending the show. They received all the money they needed to cover the expenses.

Old Business- None

New Business

Loran Wilson, National Board Member explained the AAA board recently met in Virginia. He explained many members had expressed concerns with gene editing but at this time, they are not going to support or allow animals with gene editing to be registered as an Angus. He did state that if someone comes up with a gene edit for disease resistance the AAA might be interested in revisiting the topic. They had been approached with a slick hair gene edit.

Steve Patton shared information on State Fair Ribeye Tent Aug 5th is what we think it will be. We will need volunteers for this.

Steve also announced he has been working with Mike Conner, from the West Central Assoc. to organize a meeting Aug. 26th 1:00 pm at Purdue University. He stated the format will be like a past educational day which he explained there was information on ultrasounding, different cuts of meat, improvements in production, carcass information. This presentation will also include any current research Purdue is conducting.

Steve Patton reminded everyone of the meal at 1:00 today to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of AAA. This meal would be held in the Witham Pavilion here on the fairgrounds.

Casey Jentz, Region Rep. touched on come AAA board highlights. He shared Clay Zwilling has been hired for Angus Media. He also shared research on EPD for longevity is slated to start this fall. The National Junior Show has over 1800 entries this year.

Steve Patton thanked Clint Coverdale for taking over as Preview Show Chairman

A motion to adjourn was made at 12:33 by Dr. Bruce Lamb with Kevin Swaim 2nd. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

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