2022 Indiana Angus Association Annual Banquet
Saturday, February 12, 2022
Hawk’s Tail Golf Course, Greenfield, Indiana
Welcome President Jeff Sherfield
Guest Speaker Casey Jentz
Regional Mgr, American Angus Association
Awards & Recognition
Past President’s Award- Presented by Jeff Sherfield -awarded to Kevin Newman
President’s Award-Presented by Kevin Newman – awarded to Krista Stillwell
Show Heifer of the Year-Presented by Rob Knott -awarded to Ethan Miller
AA Auxiliary Achievement Awards- Presented by Rebecca Knott-awarded to Delaney Waterman, Lilah & Raleigh Doerstler, Bryce & Zayda Hofing, Rosalind Kidwell, Burke Tuggle, Hunter & Sophia Royer
Indiana Angus Family of the Year-Presented by Kevin Newman- awarded to Dr. Phil & Judy Howell, Howell Cattle Company
Historic Herd Awards (50, 75 + years)- Presented by Kevin Swaim- awarded to Dr. Om & Rita Sharma-Mehaffey Land & Cattle, Frank Storms- Storms Angus, George and Jenny Zeller, Zellar Angus
Indiana Angus Scholarships- Kevin Swaim- awarded to Burke Tuggle & Hunter Royer
Rob Knott announced voting ballots for judges at this coming Preview Show would be passed out for members to vote.
Indiana Angus Queen Speech Hunter Royer -unable to attend
Live Auction
Angus books donated by Casey Jentz-Richard Brooks 110.00
Indiana Angus Junior Summer T-Shirts
Right Sleeve-Angus Live 400.00
Left Sleeve-Bar Water Angus 350.00
Indiana Angus News Covers
May 2022-Maxwell Meats-1000.00
August 2022-Jon Smith/Kyle Conley-950.00
October 2022-Brandywine Cattle Company-900.00
Jan/Feb 2023-Brandywine Cattle Company-500.00
March 2023- Mahaffey Land and Cattle-500.00
Indiana Angus News Back ¼ Page
May 2022-Brandywine Cattle Company-175.00
August 2022-Stewart & Sankey-Crossroads Angus Sale-250.00
October 2022-Andy Howell- 100.00
Jan/Feb 2023-Andy Howell-100.00
March 2023 Howell Cattle Company-175.00
Indiana Angus Directory
2 Page Center Spread-Miller Family Angus-700.00
Inside Cover-Mahaffey Land and Cattle-700.00
Opposite Inside Cover- Brandywine Cattle Company-700.00
Outside Back Cover- Howell Cattle Companny-600.00
Inside Back Cover-Sunrise Sunset Farm-650.00
Opposite Inside Back Cover- Angus Hall of Fame-500.00
Opposite Table of Contents-Conley Cattle Company-300.00
Opposite Special Events-Pilgrim Angus-300.00
Opposite Index-Indiana Fall Classic-300.00
Page of Choice in the Directory
Please reference a page number and right or left hand facing.
Zeller Angus- full color-300.00
Directory Cover Logos (15 allowed total) - $100
Already Reserved: Brock Angus Farms- Pilgrim Angus-Innis Farms, Wickard Livestock, Kevin Swaim, Les & Sandy Carmichael, Rosalind Kidwell, Steve Patton & Family
Semen Auction
Choice of 5 Straws DB Iconic G95 or E&B Wildcat 9402-Double R Bar- 35.00 each = 175.00
Donated by Genex
3 Straws of MC SSF Night Sky 9088-Jud Kidwell-50.00 each = 150.00
Donated by Sunrise Sunset Farms
5 Straws of Conley Passport 0440-Howell Cattle Company 40.00 each = 200.00
Donated by Brandywine Cattle & Deer
5 Straws of Sexed Heifer GAF Mr. Angus-Paul Hart 40.00 each = 200.00
Donated by Graber Angus Farms
5 Straws of GAF Play Ball-Paul Hart 40.00 each = 200.00
Donated by Graber Angus Farms
5 Straws of Linz Exemplify 71124-Carter Ward Brothers-30.00 each = 150.00
5 Straws of Linz Exemplify 71124- Howell Cattle Company 30.00 each = 150.00
Donated by Linz Heritage Angus
5 Straws SS Rocket C142-Howell Cattle Company 10.00 each = 50.00
Donated by Stewart Select Angus
Choice of 5 Straws of Patriarch or True North -Jeff Sherfield 20.00 each = 100.00
Donated by ABS
5 Straws PVF Marvel-Sun Rise Sunset 45.00 each = 225.00
Donated by Select Sires
5 Straws of Forbes Silveiras
Donated by Sankey Angus-Miller Family Angus 50.00 each = 250.00
Semen Auction Results=1850.00
Director Logo=800.00
Directory Pages=4750.00
Tee Shirt Sleeves=750.00- to Juniors
Total Revenue from Auction minus Tee Shirt Sleeves=12050.00