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Indiana Angus Board Meeting Minutes: January 16

Writer's picture: Indiana AngusIndiana Angus

Indiana Angus Association

Hawk’s Tail

Greenfield, IN

Jan. 16th 1:00pm

Our December meeting scheduled for December 12th had to be rescheduled to this date due to lack of directors being able to attend the meeting

Present in attendance: Officers- Pres. Steve Shoup, VP Kevin Newman, VP Jeff Sherfield, Secretary Julie Innis, Treasurer Les Carmichael. Directors-Jeff Innis,Sandy Carmichael, Rex Kovert, Rob Knott, Rebecca Knott (Aux.) Dr. Phil Howell,Steve Patton, Karson Patton ( Jr. Rep) Dr. Bruce Lamb, Cortney Cates, Bob Dragani, Paul Hart, Loran Wilson Other Glen Davis ( Jr. Advisor)Sara Davis (Jr. Advisor) MaryAnn Waterman ( Jr. Advisor)Kelli Patton

President Steve Shoup welcomed everyone to our meeting at 12:55 pm.

Secretary’s Report - The report was passed out as well as emailed to directors. Jeff Innis made a motion to accept the report as presented with a correction made in the first portion of the report, third bullet. Correction from 800.00 per issue to 700.00 per issue. The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report - Les Carmichael passed out three pages for his end of the year reports and reviewed each page. Les reviewed the financial report in detail. Dr. Bruce Lamb moved we accept the Treasurer’s report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Newman. The motion passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report - Kevin Swaim reviewed two pages. Kevin Swaim explained Krista Stillwell is going to publish an article in the next News explaining what a print ready ad would be and requirements for this vary from printer to printer. He then explained expenses charged to us from Molly, Krista and the printer costs from last year. He continued to explain prices of printed vs digital copies of the news. There was discussion of paper vs digital. There was also a discussion of 4 vs. 5 copies of News per year. Steve Shoup asked if we wanted to vote on a printed vs. digital in May for the News. Dr. Howell made motion to make May a hard copy vs. digital then will contact the printer to see what price changes needed made. Bob Dragani 2nd the motion. Les asked to amend the motion to include making all editions printed vs. digital. Dr. Howell 2nd the amendment. This will make 4 hard copies the rest of the year. Those present voted on the amendment. The amendment passed unanimously. The original motion was amended to 4 hard copies. Dr. Howell made this motion and was 2nd by Bob Dragani again. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Kevin Swaim continued explaining the projected budget. Steve Shoup moved to approve budget and finance report from Kevin Swaim 2nd by Jeff Sherfield- no vote was needed since this was just a report.

Membership Report – Steve Shoup announced Sara Davis will be joining the Membership Committee. Julie Innis reported she will check with printer about using our non for profit status for mailings. She has already checked with the AAA about receiving the mailing list in an Exel format. AAA has told her they can do this but require the printer to sign a confidentiality agreement. She and Sara will be getting information out to the members soon.

Activities and Show Report - Rob Knott reported Cattleman’s Congress was the last show attended by a dozen or so Indiana families. Beef Congress is still planned to go on as of right now. Preview Show will be Father’s Day weekend. The judge for last year was Andy Higgins was unable to judge for us because of a conflict but said he would be available for this next year. He is able to judge this year’s Preview Show. He will be the judge at this summer’s Preview

Auxiliary Report - Becky Knott reported for the American Angus Auxiliary They have zoomed meetings and held meetings in person. Scholarships applications are linked on our website. Deanna Hofing is President Elect. Indiana will help with the favors at the Annual Convention next year. She also reported for the Indiana Angus. They have not met. Natalie Harris is now the scholarship chair for Indiana Auxiliary with Maddy Stockdale helping. A C J brown print has been donated by the Sherbahn family to the Auxiliary to be auctioned off at a later date. The Southern Region will host the annual Auxiliary meeting on April 10th Christy’s in Salem.

IN Jr. Angus Report- Brandon Waterman reported the Juniors had a meeting today and included virtual voting option for officers and judges.

History Report - Kevin Swaim reported we will have 4 or 5 historic herd awards to be presented this year.

Long Range Planning Report - no report

Communications Report - Dr. Howell stated Kevin Swaim had covered options in his report as well as we have voted earlier to publish hard copies so there was not much to report.

Annual Meeting Report - Steve Shoup explained our Annual Meeting was scheduled for Feb. 6th. The Outpost is not able to host our meeting due to Covid restrictions. Co-Chairs Cody Sankey and Andrew Stewart suggested having our Annual Meeting at Preview. This would create a problem since we need to sell ads at our Annual Meeting for our directory and we need to have our directory ready to be printed before Preview. Steve shared a proposal from Shoups and Stookeys regarding having an annual meeting in March. See attached proposal. We are waiting on a proposal from the Hawk’s Tail in Greenfield at this time. Rob Knott checked with the Boone County Fair Grounds and found we could rent a building for 300.00 but would have to provide our own caterer. Steve Shoup proposed we wait until we have a quote from Hawk’s Tail. Steve Patton, Kevin Newman, Loren Wilson volunteered for the new Annual Meeting Committee.

Old Business -

Dr. Howell mentioned there was a vote at our last meeting to reimburse him 500.00 to help pay for expenses he incurred during his recent run for the AAA board. He graciously declined the need for this donation. He thanked us for our support.

New Business - Les Carmichael mentioned when Paul Hart passed away his obituary mentioned donations could be made to the Indiana Angus Scholarship fund. He had received money from 2 different individuals and was asking advice on where to put this money. He also stated we had not as an Association donated to Paul Hart’s passing. Steve Shoup indicated we needed to put 50.00 from the Indiana Angus Assoc. donated in Paul’s name toward scholarship as well. Jeff Sherfield moved we move the money to the scholarship fund and donate d 50.00 in Mr. Hart’s name to the scholarship fund. This motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on a passed unanimously. Les Carmichael had thank you notes for 3 donations the IAA made in names of Kovert, Armstrong and Torr.

Karson Patton made a motion for IBCA and the IJAA to trade advertising ads. We advertise in their book they advertise in our book. Julie Innis 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. 3 abstained from voting due to their conflicts as board members of IBCA

Dr. Bruce Lamb announced the IBCA convention has been cancelled. Right now, their annual meeting is set for the Sat. morning of Beef Congress.

Loren Wilson announced he had been asked by many to run for the AAA National Board. He intends to be a candidate for the board this fall.

Rob Knott moved “we” as an organization support Loren Wilson. This motion was 2nd by Les Carmichael. The motion was voted on and passed by with unanimous support.

Sandy Carmichael asked if we have officially hired Krista Stillwell. Steve Shoup explained she had a prior commitment for today making it impossible for her to attend. She will present her proposal at our Feb. meeting which is now a March meeting. We would pay her the proposal rate 400 for web 200 per month News, 300 per issue of the News until then.

Motion to adjourn was made by Jeff Sherfield. - 2nd by Kevin Newman – voted passed unanimously.

2nd Meeting


Election of Officers

Steve Shoup opened our second meeting at 2:14 pm

A slate of officers was presented with nominations from the floor asked for each office. The following officers were slated.

President- Kevin Newman- no nominations from the floor-Dr. Bruce Lamb moved to accept the nomination. 2nd by Kevin Swaim.

1st VP-Jeff Sherfield- no nominations from the floor-Kevin Swaim moved to accept the nomination. 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb

2nd VP –Glenn Davis-no nominations from the floor- Rob Knott moved to accept the nomination. 2nd by Bob Dragani

Secretary- Julie Innis- no nomination from the floor- Brandon Waterman moved to accept the nomination-2nd by Becky Knott

Treasurer-Les Carmichael – Brandon Waterman nominated Bob Dragani from the floor–2nd by Steve Patton. Steve Shoup announced we would need a paper ballot vote since we had a nomination from the floor.

Bob Dragani spoke did not want to be involved in any controversy in the organization. Steve Shoup appointed a vote counting committee. Karson Patton, Becky Knott Cortney Cates – A paper vote was taken. Bob Dragani won the vote for Treasurer.

Steve Shoup called for a vote to accept the slate of officers as presented. The vote was unanimous.

New Business -

Kevin Newman mentioned there was confusion about the date being advertised for the Indiana Angus Scholarship. He said he had been contacted by a family who thought the deadline was April 1st but found out the deadline had passed. Kevin Swaim agreed review applications. The deadline has always had been Oct. 1st and it was advertised April 1st. The advertisement was really for the Auxilary scholarships. In order to pass out the Indiana Angus Scholarship, the deadline has to be before our annual meeting which is typically in Feb. The Indiana Aux. has switched to the Spring to align with the National Aux. deadlines. Julie Innis moved we extend the deadline to Feb. 28th- Kevin Swaim 2nd the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Dr. Bruce Lamb thanked Steve Shoup and Les Carmichael for their dedication and time spent in offices.

Old business - none

Jeff Sherfield made a motion to adjourn. Brandon Waterman 2nd the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

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