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Indiana Angus Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2023

IAA Director’s Meeting

IBCA Headquarters

March 12, 2023

2:00 pm

Welcome- Steve Patton called the meeting to order at 2:03 pm and welcomed those in attendance. Those in attendance: Steve Patton President, Clint Coverdale President Elect, Melanie Ritz Treasurer, Julie Innis Secretary, Directors- Rex Kovert, Sandy Carmichael, Les Carmichael, Paul Hart, Jeff Innis, Jerry Ott, Dr. Phil Howell, Kevin Swaim, Kevin Newman, Marlene Dukehart, Dr. Randy Bush, Loran Wilson. Aux. Rep. Cortney Hill Dukehart Cates, other Krista Stillwell

Secretary’s Report-Julie Innis presented the Secretary’s Report and passed out Bylaws to those

requesting them. Both the Bylaws and minutes from the last meeting have been emailed out to

directors. There was also an update of directors from the different regions. - Dr. Phil Howell moved to accept the Secretary’s Report the motion was 2 nd by Jeff Innis. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report was presented by Melanie Ritz. see attached –A motion was made by Kevin Newman to accept the report as presented the motion was 2 nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- no report

Activities &Show Report-Clint Coverdale announced the Preview Show will be held June 17 th and 18 the. Juniors nominated the following for judge choices. 1st choice, Scott Bayer 2nd choice Shane Bedwell, there was a tie for 3 way tie for 3rd choice- Jirl Buck, Zack Butler or Corbin Cowles. He plans to build off program we had last year for Kenny Torr keeping with the same format. He is trying to find a speaker for the dinner and ask anyone who might have a suggestion to let him know. He is also looking for ways to free up time on Saturday. They may move showmanship back to Sunday to allow more time for a Director’s meeting, Junior & Aux. meeting as well as allow more time for the dinner. Regular and showmanship entries will be online this year. We will be using an app to collect those entries. Within this platform exhibitors can also nominate for judges for next year. Marlene Dukehart brought up this is

the 150th year for AAA and maybe we recognize this at the dinner. Steve Patton added this could be a good way to include non-showing members to come join us. He would like to see more educational activities for our members provided or sponsored by the state association. Kevin Swaim announced the 4 H judges for the Indiana State Fair. Jake Scott and Chad Holtkamp will judge heifers. Ryan Rathmann will judge 4 H steers. The open judge is Kyle Gilooly and Colby Limd. Dr. Randy Bush announced the sponsorship of the NW show on June the 3rd. Joe Horstman will be the judge. He also announced the NW sale is April 2nd He explained numbers were up this year due to adding Angus influenced animals. Dr. Bush talked about the Rule #17 and membership rule. He stated the premium money from the national organization will go away if we don’t follow this rule. There was some discussion on if we wanted to continue with this rule stating the requirement of being a member of the NJAA. It was suggested we purchase their 1st year membership and advertise their 2nd year, they have to pay for their national

membership themselves. It was decided we will enforce and support this rule and all rules currently onthe books for the Indiana State Preview Show. We will advertise explicitly. Loran Wilson announced the Southern Association Sale will be April 1st.

Membership Report-Julie Innis announced as of today we have approximately 92 paid memberships. We added a flier with marketing opportunities to the mailing with the membership forms. Krista Stillwell shared she recently attended the Southern Association meeting and explained what opportunities we have for our state members.

History Report-Kevin Swaim has called the curator of the Putnam Co. Museum. The museum is in the middle of a fundraising campaign to furnish the room where our exhibit will be housed. He shared the Indiana Angus Aux. hold their annual Spring meeting there on April 15th. There will be a display of some artifacts for this meeting. Ken Torr has made some display cases and has agreed to make additional play cases if needed. Kevin is meeting with Priscilla Wilson soon to get information on Bill Wilson’s history and contribution to the Angus Breed as well as collect come more artifacts to be added to our collection. Krista Stillwell suggested we kick off a donation drive in support of the Putnam Co. Museum since our artifacts will be housed there. It was suggested this could possibly incorporate this into our Preview dinner.

Long Range Planning Report-no report- Steve mentioned maybe we needed to rename or use this committee for Activities and Events. Kevin Swaim mentioned this used to be named Long Range Planning and Industry Outreach Committee.

Communications Report-Krista Stillwell reported the March /April edition of the Angus News went to print as of Tuesday. We had several advertisers. She is now working on the Directory. 8 logos have been sold for the cover of the Directory with space for more. Those are 100.00 each. In addition to what was sold at the banquet we have an additional 15 advertisers for full page ads in the Directory. We have never put Junior’s contact information in the Directory. Krista will talk to the Juniors to see if they are comfortable with adding their contact information to the Directory. She shared she was trying to check with the regions to see who wanted a page in the Directory. Jerry Ott stated he wants to know what the other regions do or activities they hold to gain new members. There was a discussion about regions struggling with membership. Suggestions were to hold events to draw in more members. Krista mentioned she can help promote and market events for our regional associations. Just let her know.

Annual Meeting Report- Kevin Newman announced we have a very successful annual meeting at

Stookey’s in Feb. We collected $ 4400,00 from semen sales and $ 7000.00 from publications. $ 1250.00 for the sleeves for the Junior Tee Shirts was collected as well. This was one of the best attended banquets we have had in a long time. There were 130 people rsvp’d to attend.

Auxiliary Report-Courtney Hill Dukehart Cates announced the Indiana Angus Aux. luncheon will be April 15th at the Putnam Co. Museum. There will be a painting activity for the ladies. Kris Brock is taking RSVP’s. Sandy Carmichael stated it was agreed the Auxiliary could store some of their artifacts at the Putnam County Museum. She asked if they might be asked to support the IAA financially for the fees charged by the museum.

By Laws Committee- no report

IJAA Report- no report- Steve Patton mentioned the Juniors didn’t want to maintain the Rule 17 but he felt like they didn’t understand this would cost them premium money. He was going to reach out to their advisors and explain our reasoning for keeping it in the rules. He also shared the Juniors are asking for financial support for at state meal at the upcoming National Junior Angus Show in Grand Island NE. This meal would be for families attending the show. They would like to raise enough money to provide 2 meals for the families and are estimating each meal to cost approximately $1000.00 per meal. Loran Wilson shared the Southern Association just voted to donate $500.00 and a family volunteered to do breakfast for members. The SW Association is planning on donating $150.00. The SE Association has donated $100.00. Steve Patton asked for motion to donate to the Juniors. Kevin Newman moved to donate $1000.00 to be put toward a meal. Dr. Phil Howell 2nd the motion. The was voted on and passed unanimously.

Old Business-none

New Business-Kevin Newman suggested we have a separate dinner committee to plan for the special dinner at the Preview Show this year. Volunteers were Krista Stillwell, Kevin Newman, Kathy and LoranWilson.

Announcements-Steve Patton asked for announcements. Loran Wilson updated us from the National Board meeting recently held in Feb. He encouraged those of you who look at the minutes, to not jump to conclusions. He explained a recent presentation from Don L Brown, who is working with a genetic group to do gene editing with the intent of developing a slick hair type in Angus. This is somewhat of a controversial topic; he wanted us to know the board is not in favor of injecting other genes. There is already a slick hair shedding trait so the intent is to stick with a bloodline of animals who shed hair easier.

The Events and Education Committee is asking for ideas for national convention. NCBA convention is 1600.00-1700.00 entry fee, and our entry fee is $150.00. This pays for 2 meals and everything else. There are only 6 locations in the US big enough to hold our convention.

The 2025 NJAS slot is still vacant. We could possibly host but we may not be able to host since 2024 is in Madison WI and 2026 in Louisville KY This would mean 3 shows in a row in the Mid-West so chances are the 2025 will be hosted somewhere other than the Mid-West.

Melanie Ritz announced that April 13th last meeting of the year for the Southern Angus Association. Chuck Grove from AAA will be there to present, The meeting and dinner will be held at Pewter Hall, Brownstown, IN 6:00 pm RSVP to Melanie Ritz.

The Southern Association is sponsoring a field day Sept. 16 th 2023 at Thompson Family Angus- Loran is working on getting a speaker for this event.

Jeff Sherfield is representing the Beef Industry working with legislators through IBCA.

Adjournment- time 3:36 Melanie Ritz made a motion to adjourn. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

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