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Indiana Angus Board of Directors Meeting Minutes: Saturday, March 9, 2024


Indiana Angus Association

Director’s Meeting

March 9, 2024

4:00 pm

Stookey’s Family Restaurant

Thorntown, IN

Welcome- Clint Coverdale called the meeting to order at 4:11 pm and thanked everyone for

coming. Those in attendance were: Clint Coverdale- President, Joe Horstman- President Elect,

Carla Dawson, Vice President, Melanie Ritz- Treasurer, Julie Innis- Secretary- Directors- Jerry

Ott, Loran Wilson, Jim Lindley, Les Carmichael, Sandy Carmichael, Dr. Phil Howell, Paul Hart,

Jeff Innis, Kevin Swaim, Dr. Randy Bush, Kevin Newman, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Other- Brandon

Waterman, Pam Ott, Kathy Wilson, Linda Lindley, Liz Jensen, Deanna Hofing, Krista Stillwell

Secretary’s Report-Julie Innis presented the report in hard copy. Jeff Innis made a motion to

accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell The motion was voted on

and passed unanimously.

Treasurer's Report- Melanie Ritz reviewed the hard copy report. see attached. This report is

missing funds from Bob Dragani. We are missing $5368.31 for the Jr. account. $15902.21

needs to be added to our general fund. Melanie has corresponded with Bob several times and

Bob indicated he will be sending checks as soon as possible. Liz Jensen made a motion to

approve the report as presented the motion was 2 nd Dr. Phil Howell The motion was voted on

motion passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- Kevin Swaim reported- see attached- He clarified the $250.00 for

champion showmanship award for Preview, Beef Congress, and State Fair from the Ken Torr

Fund. He shared that this money has been deposited into our general fund and we will use

these funds for the next 15 years to pay out these awards. He also explained the misc. expense

addition is partially for the meal expense at the Preview Show if needed. There was a change

on the Ken Torr line item from $250.00 to $500.00 Jerry Ott moved to accept the budget as

amended the motion was 2nd by Joe Horstman. The motion was voted on and passed


Activities & Show Report-Clint Coverdale reported our Preview Show is in the process of

being planned. We just received premium money from AAA. We will do the Showman app

again; entries open April 1st - June 1st Date of the show will be Father’s Day weekend. West

Central wants to continue helping sponsor the Fellowship meal. The WCIA has voted to donate

$500.00 to help offset the costs of this Fellowship meal.

Membership Report-Liz Jensen reported that membership mailings should go out this next

week. She is emailing members forms as well. She would like us to consider having a

membership drive with some kind of incentive to join. April 10th is the deadline to get your name

in the directory.

History Report-Kevin Swaim announced there are no historic awards to pass out tonight’s


Long Range Planning- no report

Communication Report- Krista Stillwell reported the Indiana News for March has just been

sent out. The next two issues are the most heavily advertised in. She explained how important

this auction is for our Directory to support it financially. She will be billing for the 1st two issues

next week. The deadline for advertisements in the Directory is later in April. Logo’s spots for the

front page is limited to 15 spots- at $100.00 each.

Annual Meeting- Clint Coverdale reported our participation was down a little this year, most

likely due to not having historic herd awards.

Auxiliary Report- Carla Dawson reported for the Auxiliary and reminded everyone April 20th is

the Spring Luncheon for the Aux. She shared they are working to improve scholarship

applications and increase the number of students who apply. Kathy Wilson and Carla will be

going the Women Connected Conference in Wooster OH this year

National Board Report- Loran Wilson reported bull sales are way up everywhere. The average

bull selling price is $6973.00 nationally, which is up $800.00 from last year. He explained the

Angus Link registration was cumbersome to enroll originally but AAA has outsourced to IMI and

they have streamlined the process. Currently, 210,000 feeders have been enrolled this past


Jr. Report- Deanna Hofing reported for the Juniors and explained they were discussing plans

for Preview and the National show. The NJAA show is in Wisconsin this year. The fairgrounds

there will not allow you to bring food in or cook in the barn. She announced that Eastern

Regional in 2025 will be held in Louisiana and 2026 in New York State. If we want to be

considered for 2027, we must submit a letter asking for approval

Old Business-Clint Coverdale asked directors and members if we wanted to pursue an

application to host the Eastern Regional in 2027. Krista volunteered to draft a letter of interest

showcasing what we have to offer. Dr. Randy Bush moved we pursue this opportunity Kevin

Swaim 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

New Business-Julie Innis reviewed director’s lists for the districts.

Joe Horstman proposed an option for fundraising. He has access to a semen tank and would

like to sell tickets for chances to win this tank. He offered to pay for the initial cost of the tank to

at a discounted price. There was discussion regarding multiple opportunities of where and how

we could sell tickets. Les Carmichael asked if we had an idea of what it would cost us to host an

Eastern National. At this time we did not. Kevin Newman moved we proceed with the semen

tank purchase and fundraiser. The motion was 2nd by Carla Dawson to raffle off the semen tank

at the Preview as well online and wrap it up the raffle at the end of the State Fair. Krista Stillwell

is going to make sure we have all in place with the Indiana Gaming Commission to conduct

such a raffle. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Announcements-NWIA sale is April 7th and they would love to have great attendance.

Dr. Howell moved we adjourn the meeting the motion was 2nd by Melanie Ritz. The motion was

voted on and passed unanimously.

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