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Indiana Angus December Executive Board Meeting Minutes

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Indiana Angus Association

Elanco Headquarters

Greenfield, IN

December 14, 2019

Meeting called to order 12:34 pm by Rob Knott. He asked for introductions around the room. Those present-Directors-Scott Ashwill, Steve Patton, Chad Haag, Sandy Carmichael, Kevin Swaim, Brandon Waterman, Dr. Phill Howell, Melanie Ritz, Rex Kovert,- President, Rob Knott, 1st VP Steve Shoup,2nd VP Kevin Newman, Treasurer- Les Carmichael, Secretary Julie Innis, Aux. representative-Rebecca Knott- Kallie Knott, Jr. Advisor Clint Coverdale, MaryAnn Waterman- Past President Cody Sankey other guests- Krista Stillwell, Molly Judd, Lauren Wilson, Kathy Wilson, Jeff Sherfield

Secretary’s Report- Julie Innis- Minutes were passed out. Dr. Howell moved we accept the minutes as presented. The motion was 2nd by Melanie Ritz. The motion was voted on and pass unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report- see attached- Les Carmichael reviewed the report. – Steve Patton made a motion we accept the report as presented. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- Kevin Swaim reviewed the presented report.- see attached- He explained increases have increased, income has stayed the same. The rough draft of a proposed budget was presented but no vote will be taken until our annual meeting. See attached. Rob Knott asked if there were any suggestions. There was discussion of alternative methods of fundraising by Cody Sankey. Cody asked how long dues have been at 30.00. Kevin Newman asked if we could only mail to paid members the News. Steve Patton asked about raising dues. Dr. Howell suggested we check with other states to see what their dues are and do a comparison before making a decision on raising dues.

Activities and Show Report- Rob Knott reported on Hoosier Beef Congress. He reviewed sale information. Fout Cattle had Champion Angus Heifer from the sale show and Jim Patton had reserve Angus Heifer. 102 Angus heifers showed at Beef Congress . The Champion Angue heifer was shown by Mercedes Ferree. Res. Angus Heifer was shown by Kallie Knott. There were 25 Angus steers shown at Beef Congress. Kyle Kirtley had Champion Angus Steer. Reserve Angus Steer was shown by Kimpton Edie. Rob Knott mentioned the preview show financial report. He explained we will have to share a mulch cost next year when we did not have a mulch cost this year. He also explained we would conduct a judge selection at our annual meeting. We will have ballots for a judge for the open show at the preview. Preview will be June 20th open show- showmanship will be Sat. morning. Sunday will be the Jr. show. Kevin Swaim stated the state fair breed managers meeting in Feb. The state fair is interested in feedback regarding changes they have made in the last couple of years.

Membership Report-Julie Innis reported we will be sending out membership forms and starting our membership drive soon. Kevin Newman suggested we add a slot for asking members if they want to receive a digital copy of news.

Auxiliary Report- Becky Knott announced in 2022 our state will be in charge of gifts at the national convention. They discussed fundraising for scholarships at their meeting today. They will modify due dates to help organize and align dates for scholarships deadlines. Becky Knott is region director for Indiana for the American Angus Aux. She requested she be included in district meeting invitations and would try to attend if possible.

IJAA Report- Brandon Waterman reported the juniors had officer elections today.He and Clint Coverdale inventoried the trailer. Most fan hangers are not be used anymore. Some items can be recycled and made into something else. The old curtain system could be sold. He asked where to start? Does the adult association need to make a decision or start with juniors to make decision on what to do with extra equipment and contents of the trailer. Rob Knott indicated he thinks we need to reuse or recycle the equipment. Kevin Swaim stated he felt like juniors needed to decide what to do with the extra equipment.

History Report-Kevin Swaim- no report other than historical reports will be given out at the annual meeting

Long Range Planning- no report

Communication-Dr Howell explained Molly Judd and Krista Stillwell had prepared a presentation for us.

Krista Stillwell presented her report. see attached. She explained we have seen growth in use of our blog. We have seen growth in use of the on line directory. The Junior Angus page has also seen a lot of growth in use. There has been growth in the News pg. and the on line store pg. We have also an increase in followers on Facebook with our follower doubling numbers since last year.

Molly Judd continued with her portion of the report. She suggested 3 printed and 2 digital on Angus News. Rob Knott shared we had emailed the options out communications committee and had asked them to make a recommendation to us. He asked for opinions and discussion from those present. Steve Shoup stated he felt we needed to look at going more digital. There were questions asked about savings for advertising and reduction of cost. Molly explained there would need to be a digital package vs. print or combination of both offered. Cody Sankey made motion to go to 3 printed and 2 digital Angus New publications. The motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. Rob Knott asked if we had reviewed the dates proposed. Cody Sankey and Rob Knott suggested Jan/Feb printed. March printed. May digital. June. Directory, Aug. printed. Oct. digital. Rob Knott called for a vote. The motion passed unanimously. It was noted the deadline for membership has been moved up to April 10th in order to help with proof reading and printing deadlines. Dr. Howell suggested dues be 30.00 for Jan. 1 to April 10. Then 40.00 after that. Steve Patton asked about explanation of cost of printing referring to the attached Treasurer’s report. Rob asked for Les Carmichael to give Molly his information on a printer in Bloomington. Molly continued to talk about the directory. Steve Patton asked why the 2nd Vice President was overseeing the directory. Rob stated the 2nd Vice President should be involved in this process. Kevin Swaim suggested each advertiser be contacted and asked if they were happy with their ad from last year and if not, how could we make it better for them. Molly stated she was willing to contact those advertisers. Molly has agreed to continue to be the editor for the directory and news. Rob indicated the 2nd Vice President and he would be involved in future publications as well as people not happy with their ad. We will review advertisements case by case. Kevin Newman suggested a 20% discount be offered to those upset with the quality of their ad from the 2019 directory. Krista brought up that 2 families who were really upset were told they would get free ads this year. Dr. Howell explained they paid for an ad and it didn’t appear and the other ad was eligible. Brandon Waterman made a motion to ask if they ( former advertisers) were happy with their ad and if they were not happy with it, they may advertise with us for 20% off ad price this year. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Newman. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Annual Meeting /Banquet Report – Cody Sankey reported our annual meeting will be Feb. 15th In Lafayette Indiana at the Outpost. Mark Mcalley will be coming to speak. Cody stated he is open to changing the banquet if someone would like to take over. Historic awards will be given out at the banquet.

Old Business-Rob Knott shared we need to finalize our donation of the the pipe and drape system for the juniors. He shared he had reviewed minutes from previous meeting’s notes regarding the money needing to be transferred to juniors. 1252.00 was included in the report from Kevin Swaim as the amount the adult association would donate toward these costs. 6026.58 was the total cost of the system- 2774.46 was donated by members. 2500.00 was raised by juniors. 1252.00 will be transferred to pay for the remaining balance on the pipe and drape system.

New Business-Dr. Howell announced he intends to run for a position on the National Angus Board. He stated he did not ask for financial support but just asked for the support of the directors from the state of Indiana. Les Carmichael made motion we support Dr. Phil Howell in his run for the National Angus Board. Melanie Ritz 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed.

Around the horn- Each person was given the opportunity to speak or make an announcement. Jan. 25th is the IBCA annual convention at Keystone and the Crossing Indianapolis. Dr. Hunsley will be the featured speaker. April 4th is the Southern Indiana Spring Sale.

Next meeting will be Feb. 15th Out Post- Lafayette, IN

Motion was made at 3:05pm by Steve Shoup to adjourn. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Howell. The motion passed.

A second meeting was called to order by Rob Knott with the agenda to hold election of officers for the 2020 year.

Cody Sankey nominated Steve Shoup for President. The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. Les. Carmichael moved to close nominations. This motion was 2nd by Melanie Ritz. Motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Steve Shoup nominated Kevin Newman as 1st Vice President. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Swaim. Cody Sankey moved to close nominations. This motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Kevin Newman nominated Jeff Sherfield as 2nd Vice President. This motion was 2nd by Steve Shoup. Sandy Carmichael moved to close nominations. This motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Steve Shoup made a motion that Les Carmichael be nominated at Treasurer and Julie Innis be nominated as Secretary. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Newman. Cody Sankey moved to close nominations. Steve Shoup 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Old Business- none

New Business- none

Melanie Ritz moved to adjourn the meeting. Rex Kovert 2nd the motion. The motion passed.

Respectfully submitted- Julie Innis

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