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Indiana Angus Executive Board Meeting & Elections: Saturday, December 11, 2021


Indiana Angus Association

December 11, 2021

Hawk’s Tail Golf Course

Greenfield, IN

11:00 am

Kevin Newman welcomed everyone at 11:07 am. He had a special introduction of Diana Hazlett who will be serving as our new membership chairman.

Present- President Kevin Newman, 1st VP Jeff Sherfield, Secretary Julie Innis, Treasurer Bob Dragani Directors Rex Kovert, Rob Knott, Les Carmichael Sandy Carmichael, Cortney Hill-Dukhart Cates, Scott Ashwill, Randy Bush, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Dr. Phil Howell, Jeff Innis, Loran Wilson, Steven Patton, Steven Shoup, Aux. Rebecca Knott, Other-Diana Hazlett, Dan Watkins, Marlene Dukehart, Kathy Wilson Jr. Advisors- Trent Fredenburg, Clint Coverdale

Secretary Report- Julie Innis presented the report from our summer meeting. Steve Shoup moved we accept the report as submitted. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Treasurer Report-Bob Dragani presented three financial end of year reports. He explained there were some initial problems with getting bank accounts set up and that drug out the transition process but that has been resolved. He also announced every invoice has been paid upon receipt. He asked that we make sure the bills get sent to him as soon as possible. There have been some hold up on paying bills because they were not given or sent to him. If anyone has problems or issues just contact Bob. He then reviewed the Preview Show Report. He reviewed revenue and expenses. The Junior report was presented next. Lastly, he reviewed the IAA 2021 report. See attached. Steve Shoup moved we accept all three reports as presented. The motion was 2nd by Scott Ashwill the motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report- no report

Activities and Show Report – Rob Knott announced there were two Angus heifers this year at the HBC Sale. Double C $3600.00 Brook Haven $2100.00. There were 24 lots of cattle in the total sales at the HBC this year for all breeds combined. Angus were represented by 86 heifers at the show. The Ferree Family had Champion and Reserve Champion Heifers. There were 19 Angus steers this year. Collin Elgin Champion and & Jack Stillwell Reserve Champion Steers. He announced that check in at HBC for Angus was smooth and very well organized. There were 1100 entries total at HBC and 779 Juniors participating in this year’s show. Cattlemen’s Congress is coming up. And Denver overlaps this show a little bit this year.

Membership Report- Dianne Hazlett-will be the new chairman. She introduced herself and we are excited to have her join us.

History Report- Kevin Swaim shared we will recognize approximately 12 historic family awards this year at the annual banquet. He also reminded us of we still have the historical files in Putnam Co. Museum.

Long Range Planning Report- no report

Communications Report – Doc Howell explained Krista was unable to attend today’s meeting. Deadlines for the Indiana Angus News are published so everyone is aware of deadline dates. Kevin Swaim requested that our By Laws be published on our website. Loran Wilson explained Jacquelin Upperman would like a copy of our by-laws as well.

Kevin Newman then congratulated Lauren Wilson newly elected to the National AAA Board. Loran personally thanked us for our financial contribution to his campaign. He also complimented Pete Ellis, the printer used in Bloomington. Loran has been appointed to work on the AAA Foundation Board. He stated they will have a fundraiser at the upcoming show in Oklahoma City. He is also serving the Activities and Education Committee.

Annual Meeting Report- Kevin Newman announced our annual meeting and dinner will be Feb. 12th at Hawk’s Tail Golf Course Greenfield around $22-$25 per meal. He is thinking we will have a meeting around 3:00 pm 5:00 pm a social hour with the meal at 6:00 pm and awards & auction following. We are needing an auctioneer for the auction that night. Dr. Howell volunteered to check with Andy Howell and see if he is available.

Auxiliary Report- Courtney announced royalty contest results from this morning. She also announced she has found a replacement to chair the royalty contest. She shared Madison Sundsbak will be taking over these responsibilities. Madison has served on the NJAA board as Vice Chairman, has recently moved to Indiana and is excited to get involved. Results from the contest are as follows: Queen Hunter Royer, Princess Sophia Royer, Jr. Princesses Lyla Doerstler , Hadley Korniak. Becky Knott announced the Auxiliary Spring Luncheon will be either on April 23 or April 30th The South West Assoc. will be hosting. The Auxiliary will be sponsoring Pee Wee Showmanship contest at the Preview Show. This contest will be for children under 8. All participants will receive a ribbon and goodie bag. Becky also explained Deanna Hofing is the President of the American Angus Auxiliary. This year the Aux. is celebrating their 70th Anniversary. Indiana will support her by providing table decorations and favors in Nevada next November. The American Angus Aux. Women’s Connected Conference is March 23-25 at The Elms in St. Joseph MO applications become available on Dec. 15th and those will be available on the American Aux website.

IJAA report- Clint Coverdale shared the Juniors held elections today and choose judges for Preview as well. They are brainstorming fundraising ideas. The Exec. Committee came up with a solution for filling spots needed for Jr. Advisors The Fredenburgs, Trent and Karen will come on. The Watermans, Brandon and Maryann want to stay on one more year. The Brocks and Doerstlers are interested in coming on as well.

Old Business-

Kevin Newman announced we need breed managers are for HBC.- It has been suggested the Jr. Advisors take this over. Rob Knott agrees that the Jr. Advisors being involved is a good idea, however, there probably needs to be a Sale Breed Manager to take care of the details for the HBC sale. Steve Patton reminded the group that historically the 2nd VP took over this responsibility. Loran shared some information regarding the sale this year. There is a large overhead to rent equipment from the state fair grounds. They are working on plans for next year’s sale that might include an online and in person component. Dr. Bruce Lamb asked if we had approached advisors with these changes. Kevin Newman indicated we had not. Clint Coverdale volunteered to help someone as breed manager.

New Business-

Show supplier for preview- Jeff Sherfield shared Darlage Show Supply had contacted him inquiring about being a show supplier at Preview. Rob Knott stated he will check this out and see what our options are.

Jr. Trailer- Kevin Newman shared that Brandon Waterman has told him the Junior Trailer has not been used for 4 years now. Brandon has indicated there is no insurance on vehicle currently. Brandon has also expressed it has not been used because it has been hard to find people to pull the trailer to Jr. Nationals. Much discussion took place. Trent Fredenburg announced the Juniors had decided at their meeting today to get a current inventory of contents in the trailer. Any contents not needed could be auctioned off at the Preview. At this time, Juniors are only looking at getting rid of the contents. Many directors confirmed the adult association paid for the trailer. This trailer was purchased when Jeff Sherfield was advisor. Kevin Newman suggested we use our insurance consultants to review the insurance coverage and what would be needed. Rob Knott moved to keep the trailer, Bob Dragani the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Jeff Innis asked what we should plan or do about maintenance of the trailer. Kevin Newman suggested adding a line item to our budget for maintenance. Rob Knott stated as Preview Chairman, he would welcome using the money from preview to use for maintenance of the trailer. Rob Knott moved the Preview Show account provide maintenance each year before each Junior National Show paying up to $500.00. Dr. Bruce Lamb 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Steve Shoup then moved that the Adult Assoc. provide tires for the trailer. Dr. Phil Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Becky Knott announced some Junior parents were confused about scholarship information especially the Indiana Angus Scholarship given by the adult association . They were mostly confused regarding where applications need to be submitted or to who. Kevin Swaim confirmed he is head of this committee and that our website needs to be updated. Julie Innis will ask Krista to change address on the form on the website.

Loran Wilson announced Jacelyn Upperman would like to provide or see a scholarship workshop in each state for kids to know what is available and how to apply. Courtney volunteered the IN Aux. to help promote this information

Rob Knott requested that By Laws be updated in each division and be reviewed. He stated they are outdated and need to be updated. It was suggested we set up a committee to review the IAA By Laws. Bob Dragani, Rob Knott and Dr. Bruce Lamb volunteered to serve on this committee.

Rob Knott also announced we currently pay judges $300.00 to judge the Open Show at the Indiana Preview. We also pay for hotel room if one is needed. Other shows currently pay judges more that we are paying. Rob Knott moved we increase the payment for Open Show judge from $300.00-to $400.00 plus hotel fee if needed. The motion was 2nd by Courtney Cates. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.


Trent Fredenburg suggested the Junior and Adults work together in By Law review to make sure they complimented and did not contradict each other. Trent volunteered to help with this process.

Kevin Swaim stated there has been a lot of discussion and confusion about money Indiana donated to the American Association after we hosted the Junior Nationals here in Indiana. Kevin stated he has letter from the American Angus saying the money was for us to use if we should host the Junior Nationals in Indiana again. This letter is from 2015. We gave them $ 50,0000.00. Loran Wilson stated the money is for anyone to use for future National shows and went into a fund to help support states costs when hosting. Kevin stated he will provide Loran a copy of the letter.

Election of Officers

Slate of officers was presented by Kevin Newman

President-Jeff Sherfield

1st Vice President -Glenn Davis

2nd Vice President-Clint Coverdale

Secretary -Julie Innis

Treasurer-Bob Dragani

The floor was opened for nominations. There were no nominations from the floor.

Steve Shoup moved we accept the slate as presented. The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Motion to adjourn was presented by Jeff Sherfield and 2nd by Scott Ashwill the meeting was adjourned by 12:25pm

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