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Indiana Angus Executive Board Meeting: February Minutes

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Indiana Angus Association

Out Post

Lafayette , IN

1:00 pm

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda


At 1:11 pm Steve Shoup called the meeting to order. He welcomed and thanked all for attending. Those present: Directors- Officers- President Steve Shoup, 1st VP Kevin Newman, 2nd VP Jeff Sherfield, Treasurer- Les Carmichael, Secretary Julie Innis, Past President Rob Knott. Directors- Steve Patton, Paul Hart, Cortney Cates, Sandy Carmichael, Brandon Waterman, Dr. Bruce Lamb, Kevin Swaim, Dr. Phil Howell, Ralph Meyer, Bob Dragani- Aux. representatives- Becky Knott, Kallie Knott- Other Krista Stillwell, Clint Coverdale, Gena Kay Hart, Jeff Innis.

Secretary’s Report/Minutes – Julie Innis passed out the minutes from the December 14th meeting. Correction to the minutes noted on pg. 2 illegible should be eligible. Kevin Swaim made a motion to approve corrected minutes. Dr. Howell 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on passed unanimously. A current director’s listing was passed around and she asked for directors to update their information for their district as to who is serving what term. A committee sheet was passed around also. Chairmen were asked to list who was on their committee as well as if anyone wished to serve on a committee please sign up.

Treasurer’s Report – Les Carmichael passed out the current treasurer’s report. see attached- He explained the report. He also explained those owing outstanding bills have been billed more than 2 x. Kevin Swaim is going to make phone calls to these individuals in the attempt to collect. Kevin will report back at our June meeting. Dr. Bruce Lamb made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Rob Knott 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Budget & Finance Report – Kevin Swaim passed out a proposed budget for the 2020 year. see attached- He explained changes to the budget. Rob Knott clarified where there is a “?” on the premium preview funds it will be 1000.00. Dr. Phill Howell made a motion to approve the proposed budget as presented. Bob Dragani 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Activities/Show Report – Rob Knott reported our preview show contract ended with the 2019 year at the Boone Co. Fairgrounds. There will be an increase in the rental of the facility from $2435.00 to $2980.00, this cost does not include mulch. We do not know if we will be charged for mulch in 2020. Rob explained about previous charges and costs related to mulch. Rob suggested we keep this location to renew for 5 years. Cortney asked about changing date due to conflicting shows. Rob explained this year it does not conflict with dates of other shows. Rob said we would apply for a grant from the Boone County Economic Foundation this year it will help offset costs. We have applied and been awarded the grant in the past. Brandon Waterman stated he feels we should stay in Boone County. General consensus was to stay in Boone Co. Kevin Swaim reported very few changes to the Indiana State Fair rules for the 2020 summer. A 4 H change announced would be - if showing 4-H and planning on staying for the open show, exhibitors will have to stall in the north end of the barn or be prepared to move to the north end after the 4-H show. The open show will be in one day, same schedule as last year. The other change-state fair was using the same judges for 2 years in a row, now they have decided to change back to breed associations making recommendations each year and using judges for one year. They have asked Kevin for our recommendation. Kevin explained we did not make a recommendation at our December meeting because we were not aware of the change. Rob Knott noted we had nomination ballots for the open show judge for preview today. We would be asking members to vote on a Preview judge. We would use the same ballot for the state fair using the back of the ballot. State fair judge nominations would be written on the back of the ballots.

Membership Report – Julie Innis reported changes in process of membership invitations to save money. The Life Skills class at her high school was hired to stuff envelopes. This saved money on processing. There was discussion on marketing and how to increase membership or income for our organization. Bob suggested we look at this within the Long Range Planning committee. Steve Shoup reference a survey we are planning on sending out and analyze data coming back from this Steve Shoup also indicated the need to create a new committee involving the vision or mission of our organization. Once the information comes back from the survey, we as a committee to discuss options and suggestions.

Auxiliary Report- Kallie Knott and Becky Knott explained fundraising for the auxiliary and scholarships they support. Sullivan Supply raffle tickets for a barn fan will be sold. $1.00 per ticket or 6 for $5.00. The auxiliary is looking for a sponsor of 250.00 to cover the full cost of the fan. They have also planned a Facebook fundraiser of Twisted X shoes -March 11-15- The Spring luncheon will be held on April 18th at Spring Mill State Park. Becky Knott announced the auxiliary would recognize juniors earning certificates of achievement winners at tonight’s banquet.

IJAA Report-Brandon Waterman reported we had kids exhibit at Ft. Worth and Denver. The juniors will be having a meeting later today. They will auction off sleeves for tee shirts at tonight’s auction. Tee shirts will be worn by all exhibitors at the 2020 Junior Nationals in Harrisburg, PA

History Report – Kevin Swaim reported that tonight we will recognize 15 historic herd awards. Nine for 50 years +. Six-75 years +. All but 2 recipients will be here. Next year he anticipates at least dozen or so to be recognized as well.

Long Range Planning – Ralph Meyer shared he is in communication with the American Angus Assoc. on Angus Link program. He is learning we need to educate bull sellers/buyers on what they need to do to take advantage of this program and why. He has a goal to host a sale by fall. He needs help getting to sales to talk to others and share this information. He is asking to make presentations at sales explaining benefits of the Angus Link program. Krista asked if there were videos made she could share. Les suggested adding an article to the news as well.

Communications Report – Phil Howell reported Molly was unable to attend. Krista Stillwell reported to the group. She explained differences in printing since this was our first print with new printers. She reported working with our new printers was easy and seamless. She and Molly are receiving questions about the News and the digital editions of the News pertaining to advertising and the value of those digital editions. Especially the rates relating to digital vs. print. She shared our Facebook pg. has over 1100 followers. She suggested investing some monies in promoting our social media outreach. It was asked how much funds would be needed to promote this. Her recommendation was $100.00 to $200.00 per digital publication to use paid promotion. This would include additional email supports for digital publications. She recommended cutting digital ad prices by 25%. There was a group discussion regarding this change. Steve Patton moved we reduce the digital advertising by 25 %. The motion was 2nd by Kevin Newman. Clarification was discussed that is was for this year only for the May and October digital addition ads. Motion was voted on passed unanimously. Jeff Sherfield moved we allow up to $400.00 allotment for digital promotion. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Phil Howell. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously.

Steve Shoup explained the News was late to be printed due to needing additional advertisers.

Annual Meeting Report – no report

Old Business-none

New Business –Cortney Cates suggested we add a dedication award to the 2020 directory this year. Rob Knott moved we dedicate the 2020 directory to Bill Wilson. Steve Patton 2nd the motion. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Steve Shoup explained the difficulty of only having one signature on the checking/bank account. He suggested we add 2 people names on the checking account. Kevin Swaim agreed. It was a recommendation the chairman of the finance committee be on the savings and checking. He clarified we did not want 2 signatures on the account, just another person with authorization to use this account in the event of an emergency. Steve Patton moved we add Kevin Swaim to the account current checking and savings accounts held by Indiana Angus Association. The motion was 2nd by Dr. Bruce Lamb. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. Dr. Phil Howell asked if we could add another motion for by laws or the position or addition of the person the account. Dr. Howell stated he felt it should be the chairman of finance and the treasurer or an person elected by the board serve a this second person. Since we had just elected Kevin Swaim who serves as our chairman of finance, it was unnecessary to vote on this again.

Announcements/Next Meeting Date- Steve Shoup proposed our next meeting would be held at the Preview show instead of the State Fair. He proposed it be held 30 min. after our fellowship meal ends on June 20th. General consensus agreed this time would be less hectic than during the State Fair.

Jeff Sherfield shared he has been in contact with the Activities Director for the National Junior Angus Association regarding the possibility of the National Junior Angus Show coming back to Indianapolis and when this might be proposed. He called American Angus Assoc. to clarify, we are not on a schedule as of right now. The 2022 will be in Oklahoma- Indiana has not applied to host as of now. If we are interested in doing this in 2023, the Assoc. would need to know by Sept.2020 to procure the Indiana State fairgrounds.

Adjournment- Kevin Newman moved to adjourn. The motion was 2nd by Steve Patton. The motion was voted on and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned 2:43 pm

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