We are pleased to announce that the Indiana Angus Preview Show is a go at the Boone County Fairgrounds on June 20 and 21.
Please remember the following updates (updated as of 6/10):
Below you will find the Boone County 4-H fairgrounds Covid-19 Tracking form. This form needs to be read carefully signed and dated. There will be a check in location at the show ring where the Tracking forms need to be turned in to receive your wrist bands for your immediate family. Wrist bands are to be worn at all times while you are on the fairgrounds. This allows county officials to know what organization you are with while on the fairgrounds.
Spectators are welcome as long as they complete a tracking form and pick up a wristband. There will be extra tracking forms available at the show.
We encourage social distancing be observed while on the fairgrounds. Face masks are not mandatory.
There will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the fairgrounds we ask that you visit them frequently.
We are allowing people to stall at their trailer if they would prefer. Please remember we are in Indiana and the weather is very unpredictable and shade is limited. Those that will be stalling at their trailer we ask that you let one of the show committee people know before unloading.
There will be no fellowship dinner due to fairgrounds restrictions. They ask that we refrain from any large social gatherings as a part of the show weekend.
There will be a state board meeting one hour following the completion of Saturday's show with appropriate social distancing.
If for any reason the state and our Governor pass down any updated restrictions, our show will be subject to cancellation and evacuation if during the weekend of the show.
We have had to make a few changes this year for this show to happen and we are trying to make it as normal as possible. Let's be glad it's happening! Looking forward to seeing everyone!
ENTRIES ARE NOW CLOSED. The full rules are available below. If you continue scrolling, all information is available as photos also.
Questions or Concerns Please contact:
Rob Knott 260-410-7348 or Cody Sankey 517-749-5556
THURSDAY 6/18/2020
You may start setting up stalls any time after 12:00 pm (NO CATLLE IN THE BARN)
FRIDAY 6/19/2020
Cattle allowed in barns any time after 6:00 am
Cattle check in starts at 4:00 pm
SATURDAY 6/20/2020
Showmanship starts at 8:00 am in this order:
Nationals Senior (18-21)
Intermediate (14-17)
Junior (10-13)
First year (8-9)
Open show will follow immediately following showmanship.
Cow/calf pairs
Owned heifers
Supreme Champion
IAA Board of Directors Meeting: 1 hour following open show
SUNDAY 6/21/2020
Non-Denominational church service beginning at 8:30 am
Junior Show begins approx... 9:00 am
Cow/calf pairs
Bred & Owned Females
Bred & Owned Bulls
Owned Females
Supreme Champion
Downloadable PDF: